Urban Merchants Ltd
0044 (0) 207515 9933
Gourmands & High End Restaurants
Urban Merchants have a lavish range of European and Japanese gourmet delicacies and operate as suppliers to both consumers and trade. Tempting offerings range from Hungarian smoked goose, whole blocks of duck foie gras, to smoked paprika, saffron, and naturally smoked pancetta. Terrines include venison pate with cognac and pheasant pate with armagnac.
Exclusive Italian white and black truffles, and Spanish serrano and Iberico hams sold from the bone. The range of caviar is extensive ranging from Sterlet and Siberian at the lower end to the most luxurious Oscietra Royal competitively priced at £144.00 for 125g. The most lascivious offering is the foie gras laced wtih XO Remy Martin cognac. Stock Hungarian Tokaji, Sake and some lesser known Grand Cru de Blancs Champagne.