Spa in Stately Serenity at La Reserve De Beaulieu
+33 (0) 4 93 01 00 01
Couples & Single Women
Bask in the beauty of the prestigious resort of Beaulieu , and recover your sense of spirit in style, in one of the town’s most exclusive spa hotels La Reserve. Having welcomed royalty and aristocracy for decades, this resort has kept its enduring elegance and sophistication, – maintaining the same appeal it had at the turn of the century.
The refined elegance of La Reserve’s Marie Galland spa is a luxurious retreat in this stately residence. The 100% plant based products from Dr Bach harnass the scents of the region, and have been hand- picked to work in harmony with the latest in technological advancements. The 100% pure oxygen anti-ageing facial using Oxyderme, is a wonder treatment, that smoothes and renews instantly (320 Euros).
Spa Rooms
Price Range
Michelin Stars